IPF are excited to announce we have added a new member to our large capacity of 3D Printers, and invested in the impressive HP multi-jet fusion 4200, one of HP’s newest contributions to the rapidly growing Additive Manufacturing industry.
So how can IPF’s new investment help you?
Capable of printing multi-purpose thermoplastics, the HP MJF 4200 arrived here; just north of London at IPF in Early August, and was installed and printing within 2 days of its arrival.
Programmed to 3D Print examples of snap fits and highly detailed prototypes from HP, the first few parts were certainly confirmation of the exceptional quality. Our 3D printing sales team couldn’t wait to have a go with the `Future era of digital manufacturing’.
Benefits include; substantially faster build and cool down times, literally cut in half – great news for any customer! Basically meaning you get your parts quicker!
Our post production team were very impressed with fact that the MJF 4200 comes with its own cleaning station, fitted with hoover and attachments, resulting in less mess for us! …And of course, cleaner, faster post processing to dispatch.
The MJF has a build area of 380 x 284.5 x 380 mm, printing as low as 80 microns, engineered to test the limits of functional part creation, optimizing cost and part quality, across a variety of industry verticals. Paired with thermoplastic PA12, the HP multi-jet fusion breaks down some of the traditional barriers to 3D printing adoption, such as cost, quality, and performance.
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